
Extremophiles: Microbial Life in Extreme Environments

ISBN: 978-0-471-02618-1

January 1998

336 pages

Extremophiles are life-forms that thrive under some of the harshestconditions found on Earth. This resource provides a detailedoverview of the current state of knowledge about this fascinatinggroup of life-forms. Over the course of 11 contributed chapters, 26experts from around the globe identify known extremophiles, exploretheir unique ecologies and physiologies, and discuss current andfuture biotechnological applications.

Providing the most up-to-date coverage available of this rapidlyadvancing field, this book:
* Combines the latest research finding with informed speculationabout extremophile evolution, ecology, physiology, andgenetics
* Covers all types of extremophiles, including hyperthermophiles,psychrophiles, halophiles, acidophiles, alkaliophiles, andanaerobic extremophiles
* Explores current and future industrial applications, such asalkaliophile bioenergetics, metal recovery, and toxic wastedisposal
About the Author

Koki Horikoshi and William D. Grant are the authors of Extremophiles: Microbial Life in Extreme Environments, published by Wiley.