
Decisions: An Engineering and Management Perspective

ISBN: 978-0-470-16759-5

January 2015

Wiley-IEEE Press

320 pages

DECISIONS focuses on how organizations can improve decision-making processes to improve organizational performance in a global economy.  
  • Presents research related to problems associated with meeting requirements, schedules, and costs
  • Defines the scope of macro and micro decisions
  • Raises the issue of the role of engineering, manufacturing, and marketing in making organizational decisions
  • Includes references to Peter Drucker’s studies on decision-making
About the Author
Gerard H. (Gus) Gaynor brings more than 50 years of technical and management expertise in the process of managing engineering, technology, and innovation from a business perspective. Gaynor is a past president of the IEEE Technology Management Council, serves on many IEEE Boards and Committees, and is a retired 3M Director of Engineering.