
Dead End Feminism

ISBN: 978-0-745-63380-0

February 2006


136 pages

In this provocative new book, France’s leading feminist theorist launches a broadside against the way in which feminism has evolved since the 1990s. After the victories of the previous decades, during which women had made some real advances in social and political life, a new sensibility began to emerge in the 1990s which led to a reversal in the hierarchy of values. The cult of victimhood has become widespread and has affected feminism. Women are viewed as defenceless and oppressed, social violence and sexual violence are treated as the same and a finger is pointed at the guilty one: man in all his guises. But by conflating real and false victims, feminism runs the risk of misunderstanding the battles that need to be waged and of losing all credibility with the younger generation, which doesn’t see things see things this way. Preoccupied by putting men on trial, the feminism of the last few years has reactivated old stereotypes and left behind the very battles that have long been its raison d’être – this, argues Badinter, is a dead end.

A huge bestseller in France, this book will be essential reading for anyone interested in the changing relations between the sexes and our ways of thinking about sex and gender today.

About the Author
E. Badinter, Philosopher and Writer

Translated by J.Borossa


  • In this important and provocative new book, France’s leading feminist theorist claims that feminism may had come to a dead end.
  • Offers a compelling critique of the latest feminist theories.
  • Likely to attract great attention due to its stand-point and criticism of current feminist debates.
  • This book will be an invaluable and engaging contribution to the current literature on feminism.