
Dante: A Brief History

ISBN: 978-1-405-13052-3

October 2006


224 pages

For over seven centuries, Dante and his masterpiece, The Divine Comedy, have held a special place in Western culture. The poem is at once a vivid journey through hell to heaven, a poignant love story, and a picture of humanity’s relationship to God. It is so richly imaginative that a first reading can be bewildering. In response, Peter Hawkins has written an inspiring introduction to the poet, his greatest work, and its abiding influence. His knowledge of Dante and enthusiasm for his vision make him an expert guide for the willing reader.
About the Author
Peter S. Hawkins is Professor of Religion at Boston University, where he directs the Luce Program in Scripture and Literary Arts. His publications include Dante’s Testaments: Essays on Scriptural Imagination (1999), The Poets’ Dante: Twentieth-Century Reflections (edited with Rachel Jacoff, 2000), and The Language of Grace (2005).

  • A lively and appealing profile of the great Italian writer, Dante Alighieri.
  • The author draws on 30 years of teaching and writing about Dante in order to bring the poet to life.
  • Introduces readers to Dante’s great masterpiece, the Commedia, and traces it reception over the centuries.
  • Probes Dante’s idiosyncratic interpretation of Christian theology.
  • Will inspire newcomers to Dante to read his work and view it in religious and cultural context.