
Architectural Conservation in Europe and the Americas

ISBN: 978-0-470-60385-7

March 2011

512 pages

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“From such well-known and long-vexed sites as the Athenian Acropolis to more contemporary locales like the Space Age Modernist capital city of Brasília, the conflicting and not always neatly resolvable forces that bear upon preservation are addressed as clearly and thoughtfully as the general reader could hope for.”—New York Review of Books

 “…an astonishing feat of research, compilation and synthesis.”—Context

The book delivers the first major survey concerning the conservation of cultural heritage in both Europe and the Americas. Architectural Conservation in Europe and the Americas serves as a convenient resource for professionals, students, and anyone interested in the field. Following the acclaimed Time Honored, this book presents contemporary practice on a country-by-country and region-by-region basis, facilitating comparative analysis of similarities and differences. The book stresses solutions in architectural heritage protection and the contexts in which they were developed.
About the Author
John H. Stubbs has served as Vice President for Field Projects for the New York–based World Monuments Fund since 1990 and taught for over two decades as an Adjunct Associate Professor of Historic Preservation in the School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation at Columbia University. His prior experience includes ten years as an associate at Beyer Blinder Belle, Architects & Planners LLP, in New York City, and two years service at the Technical Preservation Services division of the U.S. National Park Service in Washington, D.C.

Emily G. Makaš is an Assistant Professor of Architectural History at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She has a PhD in the history of architecture and urbanism from Cornell University, a master's in historic preservation from Columbia University, and a bachelor's in history from the University of Tennessee. Her research focuses on the history of modern European cities, emphasizing the relationships between architecture, cities, heritage, memory, identity, and politics.