
The Uses of Knowledge: Selections from the Idea of a University

ISBN: 978-0-882-95063-1

July 2012


119 pages

This insightful selection, features four discourses from The Idea of a University: Knowledge Its Own End; Knowledge Viewed in Relation to Learning; Knowledge Viewed in Relation to Professional Skill; and Knowledge Viewed in Relation to Religion. Also included are excerpts from the "Preface" and the following appendices: Discipline of Mind; Literature and Science; and Style. Edited by Leo L. Ward, this volume also contains an introduction, a list of principal dates in Newman's life, and a bibliography.
About the Author

John Henry Newman is the author of The Uses of Knowledge: Selections from the Idea of a University, published by Wiley. Leo L. Ward is the author of The Uses of Knowledge: Selections from the Idea of a University, published by Wiley.