
The Harvey Lectures: Series 102, 2006-2007


ISBN: 978-0-470-59304-2

November 2010


208 pages

This latest volume in the Harvey Lectures Series reflects "the evolution of physiology and physiological chemistry into biochemistry and the development of molecular biology from the roots of bacteriology and biochemistry" in the 20th and 21st centuries. This lecture series, collected and published annually, provides a series of distinguished lectures in the life sciences by world-renowned scientists in all areas of biomedicine. These lectures occur in New York City throughout the course of each academic year.
About the Author
Gregory L. Verdine, Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology, Chemistry and Chemical Biology and Molecular and Cellualr Biology, Harvard University

Susan K. Dutcher, Department of Genetics, Washington University School of Medicine

Tom A. Rapoport, Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Department of Cell Biology, Harvard Medical School

Michael E. Greenberg, Children's Hospital Boston, Program in Neurobiology and Harvard Medical School, Department of Neurobiology

Kathryn V. Anderon, Developmental Biology Program, Sloan-Kettering Institute

Leonard I. Zon, Grousbeck Professor of Pediatrics, Children's Hospital Boston, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Michael Karin, Laboratory of Gene Regulation and Signal Transduction, Departments of Pharmacology and Pathology, Cancer Center, School of Medicine, University of California at San Diego