
Sustainable Flow Chemistry: Methods and Applications

ISBN: 978-3-527-33852-8

January 2017

336 pages

This ready reference not only presents the hot and emerging topic of modern flow chemistry, it is also unique in illustrating the important connection to sustainable chemistry.
Focusing on more sustainable methods and applications, the text extensively covers every important field from reaction time optimization to waste minimization, and
from safety improvements to microwave applications. In addition, green metrics are presented as a key aspect of the book, helping readers to evaluate the efficiency of
flow technologies and their impact on the overall efficiency of a chemical process.
An invaluable handbook for every chemist working in the laboratory, whether in academia or industry.
About the Author
Luigi Vaccaro is a Professor of Organic Chemistry (habilitated in 2013 as full Professor) at the Università degli Studi di Perugia-Italy and is a Guest Professor (Bijzonder Gastdocent) at the University of KU Leuven-Belgium. He is also an Associate Editor of the journals RSC Advances and Beilstein Journal of Organic
Chemistry, and a member of the FWO WT&4 Chemistry expert panel and of the OECD-EPA commission on substitution of toxic substances. Prof. Vaccaro is leading the Green S.O.C. group in Perugia and is dedicating his research and teaching activity to the development of sustainable tools for minimizing waste and accessing cleaner products. He is currently focusing on the identification and use of novel biomass-derived solvents and on the design and synthesis of novel polymeric matrices for the preparation of heterogeneous catalytic systems suitable for being used in flow and green reaction media. Recent applications are directed toward the definition of
sustainable protocols for cross-coupling and C-H activation processes aimed at the clean synthesis of organic semiconductors and target materials. Luigi
Vaccaro is author of ca. 130 scientific publications and received the Europa Medal from Society of Chemical Industry - London (2001), the ADP Award
from Merck's Chemistry Council for "Creative work in organic chemistry" (2006 and 2007), the G. Ciamician Medal of the Società Chimica Italiana (2007) and the Vigevani Visiting Professorship (2014).