
Safe Design and Operation of Process Vents and Emission Control Systems

ISBN: 978-0-470-03806-2

June 2006

344 pages

Process vent header collection systems are subject to continually varying compositions and flow rates and thus present significant challenges for safe design. Due to increasingly demanding safety, health, environmental, and property protection requirements, today's industrial designers are faced with the need to create increasingly complex systems for more effective treatment, dispersal, or disposal of process gases.

Safe Design and Operation of Process Vents and Emission Control Systems provides cutting-edgeguidance for the design, evaluation, and operation of these systems, with emphasis on:

  • Preventing fires, explosions, and toxic releases
  • Maintaining safe vent conditions
  • Understanding normal process operations, such as intentional routine controlled venting and emergency operations, like overpressure relief
  • Mitigating the impacts of end-of-line treatment devices, such as scrubbers, flares, and thermal oxidizers, on the vent header system
  • Complying with regulations
Written by a team of process safety experts from the chemical, pharmaceutical, and petroleum industries, the book includes a wealth of real-world examples and a thorough overview of the tools and methods used in the profession.
About the Author
The CENTER FOR CHEMICAL PROCESS SAFETY (CCPS), an industry technology alliance of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), has been a world leader in developing and disseminatinginformation on process safety management and technology since 1985. CCPS has published over 80 books in its process safety guidelines and process safety concepts series. For more information, visit www.ccpsonline.org.