
Sacrifice and Community: Jewish Offering and Christian Eucharist

ISBN: 978-1-405-15217-4

May 2008


224 pages

This book explores the character of the Eucharist as communion in and through sacrifice. It will stimulate discussion because of its controversial critique of the dominant paradigm for Eucharistic theology, its reclamation of St Thomas Aquinas’s theology of the Eucharist, and its response to Pope John Paul II’s Ecclesia de Eucharistia.

  • Argues that the Eucharist cannot be separated from sacrifice, and rediscovers the biblical connections between sacrifice and communion.

  • Timed to coincide with the Year of the Eucharist, proclaimed by Pope John Paul II.

  • Reclaims the riches of St Thomas Aquinas’s theology of the Eucharist, which had recently been reduced to a metaphysical defence of transubstantiation.
About the Author
Matthew Levering is Associate Professor of Theology at Ave Maria University. His recent publications include Scripture and Metaphysics: Aquinas and the Renewal of Trinitarian Theology (Blackwell, 2004) and Christ’s Fulfillment of Torah and Temple: Salvation According to Thomas Aquinas (2002). He is co-editor of the journal Nova et Vetera.

  • An exploration of the character of the Eucharist as communion in and through sacrifice.

  • Argues that the Eucharist cannot be separated from sacrifice, and rediscovers the biblical connections between sacrifice and communion.

  • Timed to coincide with the Year of the Eucharist, proclaimed by Pope John Paul II.

  • Responds to Pope John Paul II’s encyclical work Ecclesia de Eucharistia.

  • Critiques the dominant paradigm for Eucharistic theology established in the 1960s by Edward Schillebeeckx and Karl Rahner, who sought to bypass sacrifice.

  • Reclaims the riches of St Thomas Aquinas’s theology of the Eucharist, which had recently been reduced to a metaphysical defence of transubstantiation.