
Processing and Properties of Advanced Ceramics and Composites

ISBN: 978-0-470-40845-2

May 2009

266 pages

A valuable reference for those interested in innovative approaches to the synthesis and processing of ceramics and composites, as well as their properties. Twenty-two papers describing the latest developments in the areas of combustion synthesis, microwave processing, reaction forming, polymer processing, chemical vapor deposition, electrophoresis, spark plasma sintering, mechanical amorphization, thin films, composites, and more are included in this volume.  
About the Author

Narottam P. Bansal received his Ph. D. in 1973 and is a Senior Research Scientist in the Ceramic Branch, Materials and Structures Division, NASA Glenn Research Center.?He is a Fellow of the American Ceramic Society and is recipient of NASA's Medal for Exceptional Scientific Achievements (1998), R & D 100 Award (2001) and Hind Rattan Award (1993) from NRI Society of India.?Dr. Bansal ?is author/co-author of 4 books, 6 invited book chapters, 3 review articles, 8 NASA Tech Briefs, and 215 research papers including 92 peer-reviewed journal articles, and has been awarded seven U.S. Patents.