
Palliative Care: An Integrated Approach

ISBN: 978-0-470-05885-5

September 2008

352 pages

This evidence-based text brings together the theory and practice of palliative care. It examines at all aspects of palliative care i.e. psycho social, spiritual and physical in a highly practical way. The evidence base for cancer care has been developed within the Hospice Movement over the past 50 years and, in the main, it transfers across to patients dying of diseases other than cancer. The book addresses the palliative needs of any patient with any disease in any care setting, which gives it a generic approach. This is in line with current government directives. Contributions to care and treatment are considered in a multidisciplinary and complementary way.
About the Author

Jenny Buckley is Head of Education at St Wilfrid's Hospice.