
Offender Rehabilitation and Treatment: Effective Programmes and Policies to Reduce Re-offending

ISBN: 978-0-470-85649-9

January 2003

412 pages

Criminal behaviour continues to be a matter of major publicconcern. How society should respond to it and what should be donewith those who repeatedly offend remain hotly disputed topics ofconversation.

Offender Rehabilitation and Treatment draws togetherinternationally renowned experts from the United Kingdom, Europe,North America and Australia. Chapters summarise some of the mostrecent and exciting developments in this field and offer asystematic, knowledge-based approach to the effective reduction ofcriminal behaviour.
* Offers coverage of a wide range of key topics in this area
* Links theory, research and practice in a coherent and accessiblestyle
* International focus with examples and authors from a number ofcountries
About the Author
James McGuire is a Reader in Clinical Psychology and Programme Director of the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at the University of Liverpool, UK. He obtained his first degree in psychology at the University of Glasgow, his PhD in psychology from the University of Leicester based on cross-cultural research carried out in Hong Kong and obtained an MSc in Clinical Psychology at the University of Leeds. He has previously held posts at the University of Edinburgh and University College London, and was for atime self-employed as a training consultant. He is a chartered Clinical and Forensic Psychologist and carries out assessment of offenders for criminal courts and Mental Health Review Tribunals.