

ISBN: 978-0-470-77394-9

February 2008


192 pages

In this rigorously researched biography Jürgen Malitz invites readers to reconsider the reputation of the Roman Emperor Nero.

  • Focuses on the growing tension between Nero’s artistic tendencies and his role as emperor.

  • Steers readers through the diverse interpretations of Nero that have arisen through the ages.

  • Allows readers to form a balanced judgment of this divisive and controversial Emperor.
About the Author
Jürgen Malitz is Chair of Ancient History at the Catholic University, Eichstätt. He is the author of numerous articles and books, including The Histories of Posidonius (1983) and Nicolaus of Damascus, Life of Augustus (2003). Malitz also specialises in the development of PC and Internet applications for the Classics, including Gnomon Online, Numismatische Bilddatenbank Eichstätt, and ConcEyst.
· A succinct biography of Nero -- the notorious Roman Emperor who murdered his mother and all possible contestants to the throne and brutally persecuted the Christians

· Shows how Nero’s attempts to combine two careers, as actor and emperor, led to his downfall

· Outlines the often forgotten aspects of his reign -- his initial popularity, patronage of the arts, and innovations in architecture

· Steers readers through the diverse interpretations of Nero that have arisen through the ages

· Allows readers to form their own judgment of this controversial figure.

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