
Investment Risk Management

ISBN: 978-0-470-84951-4

December 2003

224 pages

Risk has two sides: underestimating it harms the investor, while overestimating it prevents the implementation of bold business projects. This book explains, from the point of view of the practitioner, the analysis of investment risk - a proper account of adequate risk management strategies - and offers an objective and readable account of the most common investment risk management procedures. It will not be highly mathematical, although mathematical formulae and technical graphs will be used where necessary, and will not rely on excessive technical jargon.

The author also covers guidelines of regulatory institutions that protect the market and the investor: Bank of International Settlements, US SEC and UK FSA.
About the Author
YEN YEE CHONG specialises in operational risk management and the design of banking systems. He has been working for DSL Consultants Ltd. in implementing dealing systems around the world. He has been designing financial environments in UK, USA, Sweden, Greece, Estonia and Russia. This also included working for the George Soros-backed Civic Education Project based in the Central European University. Partly as a result of this work, he speaks six languages. At the moment, he is working on a contract focused on credit and operational risk management for the German state development bank (KfW) in Latin America. His first degree was in Economics, whilst his Masters was in Artificial Intelligence and business Expert Systems. This is his fourth book on risk management, previous books covering Emerging Markets risk (ex-USSR), project risk and e-Business risk for the Financial Times group.