
Ex-vivo and In-vivo Optical Molecular Pathology

ISBN: 978-3-527-68192-1

April 2014


280 pages

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The result of a unique collaboration between clinicians, chemists and physicists, this book provides an unparalleled overview of a new generation of diagnostic tools in clinical pathology.
The introductory chapters cover the present status and limitations of currently used methods, followed by an outline of promising novel spectroscopy-based technologies either under development or recently available on the market. The input from both technologists developing these new methods as well as routine clinicians familiar with practical aspects and medical relevance guarantees that this practical work is a valuable asset for a wide audience, including technical personnel and decision makers in treatment centers, experts working in companies developing diagnostic devices, and clinicians specializing in advanced diagnostic methods. Since basic researchers are increasingly adopting novel diagnostic tools developed for human use as well, this will also be of interest for biomedical research institutions with large animal facilities.
About the Author
Jurgen Popp is Professor at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena where he is Director of the Institute of Physical Chemistry. He is also Director of the Institute of Physical High Technology (IPHT) Jena. In the German Main Research Topic 'Biophotonik' (National Network financed by the BMBF) he serves as the speaker.