
Europe Unfolding: 1648-1688, 2nd Edition

ISBN: 978-0-631-21387-1

November 2000


336 pages

The revised edition of this classic text covers both the turbulence of war which raged throughout this period, and explores how, alongside such turbulence, it was possible for some countries to both flourish and produce spectacular advances in art, science and thinking.
About the Author
John Stoye was formerly a Fellow and Tutor of Magdalen College, Oxford and the author of English Travellers Abroad 1604-1667 (1952), The Siege of Vienna (1964) and Marsigli's Europe 1680-1730 (1994).
  • A revised edition of what is now considered to be a classic text.
  • The 'Further Reading' section has been thoroughly updated to include new publications since the first edition .
  • A broad but detailed survey of European history during the period.