
Fuel growth. Increase engagement. Drive revenue.

With a Madgex career center powered by our superior job board software 

Whether you need a full-service partner to deliver an engaging career center or a technology upgrade to your current job board, we will help you reach your membership and revenue goals.

We’re all about building relationships. Between you and your audience, and between you and us. With Madgex you don’t just get the best technology, you get the most experienced partner in the industry, for expert guidance, support, and consultation. Tap into our recruitment insight, mature understanding, and hands-on skills, whether we’re running your entire career center or providing your technology.


The global standard in association career centers

A successful career center brings professionals, employers, and societies together - benefiting everyone along the way. 

 With our career centers, you get features and benefits to attract and engage professionals interested in career growth and progression.  And your industry's employers benefit from effective recruitment solutions and branding opportunities. 

Woman smiling with coworkers holding her laptop

Increase engagement with your members and prospects

Career support is one of the top 3 reasons for joining an association. 

Professionals and jobseekers want relevant job postings and career path resources, and they look to a trusted source—you—for this information.

We partner with you to deliver. Our platform features resources and tools for career development and professional growth that are unique, specific to your audience, and based on real data.

coworkers smiling while looking at a laptop together

Increase non-dues revenue from your advertisers and service providers

Employers look to associations and publishers for their extended reach into a niche community.

We deliver employer branding, engaging content, targeted advertising strategies, and more! 

Plus we have an experienced, global team dedicated to promoting your career center to employers. 

Woman smiling holding a notepad

Make connections within your community

When you partner with us, your career center can be an intuitive resource for your professional audience that increases their membership engagement and satisfaction. It can also be a truly valuable niche community for employers to tap into with job posts, branding, and increased advertising.

  1. Professionals

    Woman smiling with coworkers holding her laptop

    Increase engagement with your members and prospects

    Career support is one of the top 3 reasons for joining an association. 

    Professionals and jobseekers want relevant job postings and career path resources, and they look to a trusted source—you—for this information.

    We partner with you to deliver. Our platform features resources and tools for career development and professional growth that are unique, specific to your audience, and based on real data.

  2. Employers

    coworkers smiling while looking at a laptop together

    Increase non-dues revenue from your advertisers and service providers

    Employers look to associations and publishers for their extended reach into a niche community.

    We deliver employer branding, engaging content, targeted advertising strategies, and more! 

    Plus we have an experienced, global team dedicated to promoting your career center to employers. 

  3. Societies/Publishers

    Woman smiling holding a notepad

    Make connections within your community

    When you partner with us, your career center can be an intuitive resource for your professional audience that increases their membership engagement and satisfaction. It can also be a truly valuable niche community for employers to tap into with job posts, branding, and increased advertising.

We Partner in Your Success

We power career centers for some of the world’s most prestigious brands & organizations. Here are just a few...

Helping businesses unlock the value of their audiences since 2000.

12 Languages




14 Countries




500+ Leading Brands



Leading Brands
Man standing and women sitting in their chairs listening attentively.

Ready to get started?

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business reach its full potential with career centers for associations, online job boards, job board software, and so much more!

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