
Youth Urban Worlds: Aesthetic Political Action in Montreal

ISBN: 978-1-119-58221-2

March 2021

240 pages


Both theoretically informed and empirically rich, Youth Urban Worlds explores how urban cultures affect political action amongst youth.

  • Argues that urban cultures challenge the very meaning and contours of the political process
  • Includes ethnographies, delving into the perspectives and knowledges of racialized youth, urban farmers, and “voluntary risk takers,” like dumpster divers, building climbers, and student protestors
  • Theorizes that aesthetics are an increasingly crucial form of political action in the contemporary urban setting and explains the impact of aesthetics on the political
  • Examines the centrality of fun, warmth, aesthetics, and embodiment to these youth’s experience of being in the world
  • Explains how youth are able to practically and concretely impact the political process through the performance of risky and disruptive behavior
About the Author

Julie-Anne Boudreau holds a Doctorate in Urban Planning from the University of California in Los Angeles. She is Professor at the Institut national de la recherche scientifique in Montreal, where she held the Canada Research Chair in urbanity, insecurity, and political action from 2005-2015. 


Joëlle Rondeau holds a master’s degree in Urban Studies from the National Institute of Scientific Research in Montreal. She is pursuing a doctoral degree in Indigenous Studies at Trent University, focusing on the urban food transformation and the resurgence of Indigenous foodways and governance systems.