
Windows XP Weekend Crash Course

ISBN: 978-0-764-54223-7

September 2003

408 pages

Get up to speed on Windows XP - in a weekend!

The big day is Monday. The day you get to show off what you know about Windows XP. The problem is, you're not really up to speed. Maybe it's been a while since you used the Windows operating system. Perhaps you're interested in the enhancements that have been made to the software. Or maybe you just like a challenge. In any event, we've got a solution for you - Windows XP Weekend Crash Course. Open the book Friday evening and on Sunday afternoon, after completing 30 fast, focused sessions, you'll be able to dive right in and use the dozens of tips that are useful on an everyday basis. It's as simple as that.

The Curriculum


Evening: 4 Sessions, 2 Hours
* Introducing Windows XP
* Windows XP Installation
* Windows XP Operating System
* Letting Windows Help You


Morning: 6 Sessions, 3 Hours
* Using the Control Panel
* Accessory Basics
* Advanced Accessories
* Basic Desktop Customization
* Advanced Desktop Customization
* File and Folder Basics

Afternoon: 6 Sessions, 3 Hours
* Advanced File and Folder Operations
* The My Documents Folder
* Printing
* Networking
* Internet Explorer Basics
* Advanced Internet Tasks

Saturday, cont.

Evening: 4 Sessions, 2 Hours
* Managing Your Computer
* Disaster Recovery
* Using Outlook Express
* Instant Messaging


Morning: 6 Sessions, 3 Hours
* Mastering Media
* Adding and Configuring Hardware
* Sharing Resources
* Updating Windows XP
* Controlling the Windows Task Manager
* Auditing Computer Efficiency

Afternoon: 4 Sessions, 2 Hours
* Managing Users and User Rights
* Protecting Your Computer from Viruses
* Basic Troubleshooting
* Where to Go from Here
About the Author
John R. Nicholson is a professor of Computer Information Systems at Johnson County Community College in Overland Park, Kansas. He has been using Microsoft Windows since Version 1 was introduced, and has been an authorized beta tester of every version of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office since 1994. He is a Microsoft Certified Professional in both Windows NT and Windows 2000. John is author of more than a dozen computer-related books, translated into over 20 languages. Recent books include Inside Dreamweaver UltraDev 4 (2001), which he co-authored with his son Sean, and Teach Yourself Outlook 98 in 24 Hours (1998), which he co-authored with his daughter Rebecca. He has four children and seven grandchildren. When he isn't chained to his computer, John watches nearly every movie ever made, loves theater, and collects old radio shows from the 1920s through the 1960s. He can be reached at [email protected].