
Wharton on Managing Emerging Technologies


Praise for Wharton on Managing Emerging Technologies

“New technologies are transforming markets, businesses, and society at an ever-increasing rate. We have a critical need for better road maps for managing our way through this new terrain. This book offers critical insights and useful new models for thinking through these challenges.”
—Professor Thomas Gerrity, Director of the Wharton e-Commerce Forum

Wharton on Managing Emerging Technologies covers the emerging technology landscape—from strategy to finance to human resources—in a way that only a group of top scholars from many disciplines could do. Insightful, accessible, and smart ideas that make for ‘must reading’ for thoughtful executives in today’s turbulent economy. The authors prove, once again, the power of research to yield deep insight into tough business problems.”
—Kathleen M. Eisenhardt, Professor of Strategy and Organization, Stanford University and coauthor, Competing on the Edge: Strategy As Structured Chaos

Wharton on Managing Emerging Technologies provides those of us who live in the chaotic environment of ‘discovery by the minute’ many ways of thinking about how to make a new idea successful. The collective knowledge and personal wisdom represented in this book is like having a person with hundreds of years of learning and experience sitting on the business team. Wharton on Managing Emerging Technologies is vital to anyone trying to develop new businesses in today’s world.”
—Terry J. Fadem, Director, Corporate New Business Development, DuPont