
Urban Land Rent: Singapore as a Property State

ISBN: 978-1-118-82768-0

December 2015


304 pages


In Urban Land Rent, Anne Haila uses Singapore as a case study to develop an original theory of urban land rent with important implications for urban studies and urban theory.

  • Provides a comprehensive analysis of land, rent theory, and the modern city
  • Examines the question of land from a variety of perspectives: as a resource, ideologies, interventions in the land market, actors in the land market, the global scope of land markets, and investments in land
  • Details the Asian development state model, historical and contemporary land regimes, public housing models, and the development industry for Singapore and several other cities
  • Incorporates discussion of the modern real estate market, with reference to real estate investment trusts, sovereign wealth funds investing in real estate, and the fusion between sophisticated financial instruments and real estate
About the Author
Anne Haila is Professor of Urban Studies at the University of Helsinki, Finland. She was previously Professor at the Agricultural University of Norway and Senior Fellow at the National University of Singapore.  She is the author of many peer-reviewed journal articles on urban land rent theory and other topics in urban economics.