
Transnational Social Policy

ISBN: 978-0-631-21128-0

July 1999


156 pages

In today's shrinking world of globalised economic activity and planet-level ecological anxiety, social policy can no longer expect or afford to remain solely within the province of the nation state or perhaps even within the province of regional collections of states. To the extent that the impact of global economics knows no boundaries, then neither should that of its counterpart, 'global' social policy.

However, in practice, social policies remain very much rooted in national and local cultures, not to mention perceived national and local interests. Therefore it remains difficult to see how far, on whose terms, at what cost and to what conceivable effect, forms of transnational social policy - or even of transnational social policy standard-setting - are likely to come into their own.

The present collection explores this problem from an impressive range of practical and theoretical perspectives. As such it constitutes a vital addition to the international - hitherto mainly 'cross-national' - literature on the subject. Thus it should/will be essential reading for teachers, students, researchers and policy makers in search of timely supra-national perspectives; just as it should no less excite the interested general reader

About the Author

Catherine Jones Finer has devoted her career primarily to researching, teaching and writing on comparative social policy development. She has authored and edited numerous publications in this field and was previously editor of the journal Social Policy & Administration. Now retired, she is researching the course and consequences of British social imperialism.

* Has a global appeal, addressing trends in Social Policy which transcend national boundaries.
* Includes contributions from policy makers and academics drawn from a wide range of disciplines.