
The Russians: The People of Europe

ISBN: 978-0-631-21849-4

February 2000


288 pages

This book examines the history of the Russian peoples from the time of the first inhabitants of "Old Russia", or "Rus", up to the present day.
About the Author
Robin Milner-Gulland is Professor of Russian and East European Studies at the University of Sussex. His previous works include Cultural Atlas of Russia (1985), An Introduction to Russian Art and Architecture with J. E. Bowlt, (1980), Russian Writing Today edited with M. Durhirst, (1974), as well as many translations and articles on literary and artistic topics.
* The first concise cultural history of Russian people from origins onwards.
* Author is a leading cultural historian of Russia.
* Offers full discussion of Russian religion, culture and the arts.
* Examines timely questions of ethnicity and identity.