
The Crystal Lattice: Phonons, Solitons, Dislocations, Superlattices, 2nd, Revised and Updated Edition

ISBN: 978-3-527-40508-4

September 2005

356 pages

In Modern optics and electronics, the use of new crystalline materials makes it indispensable not only to know the structure of a device but also to understand the dynamics of Physical processes occurring within it. This book provides the fundamentals of crystals dynamics. Classical and quantum mechanical models are introduced and both ideal and nonideal crystal lattices are considered.

The topics discussed in this book comprise the spectrum of vibrations, the theory of phonon gas, solutions in ID crystals, the theory of quantum crystals, dislocation dynamics, the melting of 2D crystals, second sound in crystals, lattices of magnetic bubbles, and others.

The second revised and updated edition contains a completely reorganized chapter on the one-dimensional crystal lattice. Furthermore, a new chapter on elastic superlattices has been added. considerable attention is devoted to the dislocation mechanisms as a basis of the theory of plasticity and numerous technological applications of crystalline materials.

About the Author
Arnold M. Kosevich studied at Kharkov University (PhD 1954 and Dr.Sci. 1964). Between 1954 and 1957 he worked at Chernovtsy University and 1957--1974 at the Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology. He was appointed professsor at Kharkov University in 1966. Since 1974 he has been Head of the theoretical department at the B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Now he works also at the Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology.

His main scientific works concern the theoretical physics of condensed matter, namely, the electron theory of metals, the dynamics of crystal lattice, the theory of dislocations and point defects in solids, and the nonlinear dynamics of magnetization in magnetically ordered crystals.

A.M. Kosevich jointly with Prof. I.M. Lifshits determined a quantitative relation between the de Haas-van Alphen oscillations and the shape of the Fermi surface for electron gas in metals (Lifshitz-Kosevich formula). He is the author of more than 200 scientific papers and of several book publications.