
The Business Ethics Twin-Track: Combining Controls and Culture to Minimise Reputational Risk

ISBN: 978-1-118-78534-8

April 2015

336 pages

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Damage to reputation through inappropriate conduct is a significant risk today for all businesses. It is crucial that this risk is well managed if success over the long term is to be achieved. Organisations must not only promote positive values and discourage poor behaviours but also become more resilient by embedding good business ethics and a healthy culture throughout their operations. But how is this best achieved?

In The Business Ethics Twin-Track: Combining controls and culture to minimise reputational risk Steve Giles provides a roadmap for directors and managers. The key is an approach that combines ethical hardware and software. He shows how the ethical toolbox – value statements, development programmes, whistle-blowing hotlines etc. – should be used to manage and reinforce behaviours which align with the organisation's stated values. The addition of ethical software is crucial and he demonstrates the importance of leadership, governance and top-level commitment in order to create a strong culture in which business is conducted in ways which reinforce those values day after day.

The Business Ethics Twin-Track is a practical business book. It is unique because, rather than focusing on theory, it offers guidance on implementing cultural change through the mechanism of a hypothetical consultancy project. The ideas in the book, together with practical recommendations, are discussed and developed through a series of eight workshops on behalf of a fictional client, each one culminating in a list of key takeaways for management action.

The advice offered is complemented by extracts from interviews with prominent business men and women, providing insights and commentary based on their experience of the areas under discussion.

This practical focus, underpinned by numerous real-world examples, makes The Business Ethics Twin-Track the must-have guide for directors and managers when addressing this vital aspect of performance today.

About the Author

STEVE GILES is a chartered accountant with over 20 years' experience of advising directors on business issues concerning governance, risk and compliance. After leaving Deloitte in 1997, Steve has set up and run two companies and has worked with directors and senior managers in the UK, Continental Europe, and the US to achieve successful solutions to a variety of business problems resulting from corruption, inappropriate conduct, incompetence or negligence. Now an independent consultant, he continues to advise his clients but also speaks extensively around the world on corporate governance, risk management and business ethics. Steve holds an MA from Christ Church Oxford, is an Associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, has been a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Hertfordshire and is the author of Managing Fraud Risk: A Practical Guide for Directors and Managers published in 2012 by John Wiley & Sons.