
Synthetic Aperture Radar Polarimetry

ISBN: 978-1-118-11609-8

October 2011

312 pages

The first book to describe the process of deriving geophysical information from polarimetric radar measurements systematically

Based on several decades of research conducted at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Synthetic Aperture Radar Polarimetry describes the application of polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) to Earth remote sensing. This book synthesizes all current research to provide practical information for both the newcomer and the expert in radar polarimetry. The text offers a concise description of the mathematical fundamentals illustrated with many examples using SAR data, with a main focus on remote sensing of the Earth.

The book begins with basics of synthetic aperture radar to provide the basis for understanding how polarimetric SAR images are formed and gives an introduction¿to the fundamentals of radar polarimetry. It goes on to discuss more advanced polarimetric concepts that allow one to infer more information about the terrain being imaged. In order to analyze data quantitatively, the signals must be calibrated carefully, which is addressed in a chapter that summarizes the basic calibration algorithms. The book concludes with an example of applying polarimetric analysis to scattering from rough surfaces in order to infer soil moisture from radar signals.

Many of the concepts presented in this book were pioneered by the authors, for which they are recognized across the globe. The book also introduces new concepts that enhance the interpretation of polarimetric SAR data, as well as several concepts that are not covered in any current volumes on polarimetric SAR—for example, an extensive treatment of the techniques used to calibrate polarimetric SAR data is provided. Several of the algorithms presented here were originally developed by the authors, and the algorithms are illustrated with actual SAR data.

With a unique emphasis on practical applications, Synthetic Aperture Radar Polarimetry can be used as a textbook for a graduate class. It is also an ideal reference for radar remote sensing researchers, engineers, and practitioners in¿the aerospace industry.

About the Author
JAKOB van ZYL, PhD, has been with the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory since 1986. He has contributed to the design and development of many SAR systems, including SIR-C, SRTM, AIRSAR, TOPSAR, and GeoSAR. In 2010, he received the Distinguished Achievement Award from the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society of the IEEE for his contributions to polarimatric SAR remote sensing. Dr. Jakob van Zyl is the associate director of Project Formulation and Strategy and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Formerly, he was the director for JPL's Astronomy and Physics Directorate.

YUNJIN KIM, PhD, has been with the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and¿California Institute of Technology since 1989. He has contributed to the development of several radar systems, such as SIR-C, AIRSAR, GeoSAR, and SRTM. Currently, Dr. Kim is the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) project manager. He is the author of two book chapters, more than twenty peer-reviewed articles, and more than seventy conference publications.