
Swipe This!: The Guide to Great Touchscreen Game Design

ISBN: 978-1-119-94053-1

May 2012

384 pages


Are you ready to design your own tablet and handheld games? Renowned game designer Scott Rogers points the way!

You've played tablet games. You've come up with your own great idea. What do you do next? Take a swipe at making that idea a reality! There's never been a better time to make your own touchscreen games and Scott Rogers will teach you how. Swipe This! provides healthy servings of humor along with the tools and knowledge to help you create your own awesome games for the iPad, Android tablets, Nintendo DS, Sony Vita—pretty much any gaming system with a touchscreen. Swipe This! spotlights the unique challenges and pitfalls of touchscreen game design—from getting that first brilliant idea through post production, including:

  • Developing exclusively for tablet systems
  • Storytelling for short attention spans
  • Designing Augmented Reality games
  • Creating memorable characters
  • Determining your game's art style
  • Translating games for tablet play
  • Making bite-sized gameplay
  • Getting into the apps stores
  • Marketing your game for success

Featuring insightful interviews with tablet game designers and critical analysis of hits (and misses), Swipe This! is an indispensable source of ideas, inspiration, and step-by-step guidance for fledgling and veteran game designers alike.

About the Author

After deciding that game designers have more fun, Scott Rogers embarked on an eighteen- (and counting) year career creating video games, including Sony's God of War™, Capcom's Maximo: Ghosts to Glory and its sequel Maximo vs. Army of Zin, Namco's Pac-Man World and THQ's Darksiders and Drawn to Life series. He is currently an Imagineer for Walt Disney Imagineering.