
Scholastic Humanism and the Unification of Europe, Volume I: Foundations

ISBN: 978-0-631-19111-7

August 1995


364 pages

to produce a definitive body of knowledge that would be as perfect as humanity's fallen state permits, and which would provide a view of God, nature, and human conduct, promoting order in this world and blessedness in the next.
About the Author
R. W. SOUTHERN was a Fellow of the British Academy and an Honorary Fellow of Balliol, Exeter, and St John’s Colleges, Oxford, and of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. His publications include: The Making of the Middle Ages (1953), Medieval Humanism (1970), and St. Anselm, A Portrait in a Landscape (1900).
* A compelling, original book which will redefine our perceptions of medieval civilization - and of the renaissance and the evolution of modern Europe.
* Possibly the best book by a man who is widely regarded as the greatest medieval historian.