
Requirements Modelling and Specification for Service Oriented Architecture

ISBN: 978-0-470-71232-0

November 2008

320 pages

This practical guide to requirements engineering and systems specification is for developers building systems within service oriented architecture (SOA).

A software system is successful if it meets the purpose it was built for. Requirements engineering (RE) is the process of discovering that purpose, by identifying stakeholders and their needs. Many requirements engineering techniques carry over to service oriented architecture (SOA) which is an architectural style of software engineering where functionality is grouped around business processes and packaged as interoperable services.

Starting with an introduction to the concepts of SOA, relevant standards and technologies, such as Web Services and Enterprise Service Bus (ESBs), Ian Graham presents a range of modern requirements engineering techniques - from those directed at modelling business processes and objectives to advanced techniques for specifying business use cases. He then illustrates how these techniques integrate seamlessly with methods for specifying systems iteratively in terms of use cases, services, types, components and business rules.

Building on his 20 years experience, the author addresses several less formal or 'soft' techniques for eliciting knowledge and specifying both requirements and systems. Making a clear distinction between requirements and systems. Making a clear distinction between requirements and specification, this book challenges some of the informal specification techniques that are in wide use today and can jeopardize SOA projects.

Key Features include:

  • A clear exposition of the principles of SOA, how to model it - and how to get it wrong
  • An introduction to business process modelling approaches and notations
  • A comprehensive range of requirements modelling techniques from the detail to large scale enterprise models
  • Coverage of Web Services, Business Process Management (BPM) and other key standards
  • An appendix of patterns to help you apply the techniques to actual projects quickly

Requirements Modelling and Specification for Service Oriented Architecture shows you how to apply existing requirements and specification techniques to a SOA programme. It provides an invaluable companion to Managing SOA Projects with Agile Processes, which sets out an effective agile process for the development of SOA projects.


About the Author
Ian Graham is Principle Consultant at Trireme International Ltd, and has over 20 years' experience in the industry. He is an expert in the field of requirements, specification and modelling, and was a pioneer of agile processes or rapid application development. He also co-developed the OPEN process specification.
He is associated with both UK and international professional organizations and is frequently quoted in the IT and financial press. He has authored ten books and numerous articles.