
RapidIO: The Embedded System Interconnect

ISBN: 978-0-470-09292-7

July 2005

384 pages


High-speed, reliable connectivity for next-generation system design

Providing a detailed description of RapidIO applications in several types of system, RapidIO: The Embedded System Interconnect is the first comprehensive reference on the RapidIO interconnect technology. RapidIO was developed specifically to achieve high-performance, low-cost, reliable and scalable system connectivity in embedded, networking, and communications devices. This book presents the motivations for RapidIO and describes how it compares with other interconnect technologies.

Written by one of the founders of the RapidIO Trade Association, this unique resource:

  • Presents an introductory section detailing the history of the RapidIO technology
  • Provides a practical guide for all of the RapidIO logical layer protocols, network, link and physical layer technologies
  • Discusses the usage of RapidIO in embedded systems such as enterprise storage and wireless infrastructure
  • Illustrates newly defined technologies such as the RapidFabric dataplane extensions
  • Describes case studies of RapidIO usage in real system architectures
  • Evaluates the programming models associated with RapidIO
  • Reviews related mechanical standards such as the VME Switched Serial Extensions and the PICMG Advanced Telecommunications Architecture (ATCA) standards.

RapidIO: The Embedded System Interconnect is an essential tool for professionals involved in the development of large-scale, high-performance embedded networking, communications and related equipment. With accessible contributions from industry leaders, this book also serves as an excellent reference for common RapidIO packet and symbol formats, register file definitions and system software application programming interfaces.

About the Author

Sam Fuller, President, RapidIO Trade Association, Austin, Texas, USA.
Mr. Fuller is a founding member of the RapidIO Trade Association and now serves as full-time president of the open standards organization. Mr. Fuller writes for major publications such as EE Times and speaks frequently at major industry events on the subject of the RapidIO Interconnect technology.