
Quantitative Methods: An Active Learning Approach

ISBN: 978-0-631-19537-5

January 1995


896 pages

An introduction to quantitative methods delivering the knowledge and skills required to process, utilize and manipulate numerical information of the type and style found in the business environment. The practical application of quantitative methods is emphasized.
An additional unit on basic mathematics is included which is suitable for students enrolling on business studies programs without formal mathematical qualifications.
Contents include: foundation mathematics and business mathematics; data presentation; linear programming; regression and correlation analysis; probability and probability distribution.
About the Author
Graham Hackett is Senior Lecturer in Quantitative Methods at the University of Glamorgan.

David Caunt is a Senior Lecturer in Mathematics at the University of Wolverhampton.


  • Highly developed Open Learning material - a flexible resource base.

  • Uses case study material which is very accessible and which students can relate to.

  • Has clear unit guides and objectives to help students focus their concentration.

  • A comprehensive lecturer's manual explains how to integrate the material into existing structures.

  • Emphasises the practical application of quantitative methods to business decision making.