Protein Carbonylation: Principles, Analysis, and Biological Implications
ISBN: 978-1-119-07491-5
June 2017
416 pages
Written by worldwide experts in the field this book covers several areas of interests in the topic of Protein Carbonylation and gives expert advice on methodology for the analysis of protein oxidative modification, with an emphasis on mass spectrometry. It covers the modern methodology for the detection, quantitation, and localization of carbonylation site.
The book will appeal to scientists in biomedical, pharmaceutical and medical institutes. Given that most of the contributors are involved in academic institutions all over the world, the book will serve as a reference text for lecturers and as a handbook for graduate and undergraduate students in the fields of biological, biomedical, medical, pharmaceutical sciences.
Protein carbonylation has attracted the interest of a great number of laboratories since the pioneering studies at the Earl Stadtman???s lab at NIH started in early 1980s. Since then, detecting protein carbonyls in oxidative stress situations became a highly efficient tool to uncover biomarkers of oxidative damage in normal and altered cell physiology.
In this book, research groups from several areas of interest have contributed to update the knowledge regarding detection, analyses and identification of carbonylated proteins and the sites where these modifications occur.
The scientific community will benefit from these reviews since they deal with specific, detailed technical approaches to study formation and detection of protein carbonyls. Moreover, the biological impact of such modifications in metabolic, physiologic and structural functions and, how these alterations can help understanding the downstream effects on cell function are discussed.