
Prime Movers: Define Your Business or Have Someone Define it Against You

ISBN: 978-0-471-89944-0

June 2000

352 pages

Prime Movers Define Your Business or Have Someone Define it Against You 'Prime Movers provides the missing piece in the business strategist's armoury. The world already knows how to explore the business rent landscape around an existing business idea. But in this dynamic era tomorrow's business will be different from today's. Here finally is a reframing guide that will allow you a helicopter view of tomorrow's business landscape.' Kees Van Der Heijden, GBN, Author of Scenarios: The Art of Strategic Conversation 'Ramírez and Wallin offer a groundbreaking theoretical and practical analysis of practices that allow "prime movers" to shape their industry and to drive environmental changes. Prime Movers is a highly innovative book, opening up promising avenues for a better understanding and implementation of practices for the creation of sustainable superior organizational performance. A "must-read" for theorists, researchers, and practitioners who want to think about the create a prosperous future for their organization. Congratulations to the authors - a great book.' Aime Heene, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Ghent University '.provides an important intellectual framework aimed at the level of firms operating in business systems, and has much to say to those working on strategy implementation and organizational learning as well as those who think in terms of strategy as "value production" rather than "value co-production".' Wim Overmeer, Duxx Graduate School of Business Leadership, Monterrey '.discards the old concept of value chain, and develops a new relational theory of value creation based around the final customers' interactions with the offering and other activities. The resulting concepts are robust and particularly helpful in understanding the new behaviors and goals of recent Internet companies.'Ian Page, Hewlett Packard Research Labs Business Strategy
About the Author

Rafael Ramírez is currently Professor of Management at HEC, the leading French business school. Dr Ramírez, who holds a PhD from the Wharton School, has extensive consulting experience, working with companies such as Hewlett-Packard, Nissan Europe, Shell International, Rockwool, Telespazio, Wärtsilä -NSD, and Sonera. He was the Managing Director of SMG France prior to joining HEC. Dr. Ramírez co-authored the Harvard Business Review lead article From Value Chain to Value Constellation, which was elected one of the ten most requested strategy reprints by the Review's readers. The follow-up book on value constellations, Designing Interactive Strategy, which he wrote with Richard Normann, has been widely translated. In 1998 he was elected 'individual member' of the Global Business Network.

Johan Wallin is managing partner of SMG Consulting, one of three divisions of Sifo Group, a leading Nordic professional organization with activities in media intelligence, market research and management consulting. He had extensive international managerial experience prior to joining SMG. His consulting clients include companies such as ABB, Canon, Cultor, Merita-Nordbanken, Metsä-Serla, Nat West, Nokia, Scandinavian Airlines, Sonera, Tamrock, Telespazio, Telia, Tetra Pak and TietoEnator. In helping corporations implement new business models he has pioneered several initiatives to bridge the strategy and IT communities. He founded The Data Warehousing Institute Europe in 1997. Wallin has a masters degree from the Swedish School of Economics in Helsinki and has a doctorate from the Helsinki University of Technology.