
Patterns of Adoption: Nature, Nurture and Psychosocial Development

ISBN: 978-0-632-04149-7

November 1997


240 pages

With recent changes in the variety of children needing adoption, issues about adoption have become more complex. As older and more disturbed children are being placed for adoption, the demands these children make on post-adoption workers and parents are considerable. This text takes a broad sweep of the major research and theoretical perspectives on adoption by reviewing the work of several disciplines within psychology, sociology and social work. The book gives readers a broad understanding on the development of children before, during and after they are adopted.
About the Author
David Howe is Head of School of Social Work at the University of East Anglia, Norwich.
* focuses on social, behavioural and personality development * provides patterns of adoptions illustrated by case studies * considers the nature, experience and outcome of adoption * helps professionals to make sense of a complex phenomenon * David Howe is Editor of Child & Family Social Work journal