
One-Dimensional Superconductivity in Nanowires

ISBN: 978-3-527-40995-2

May 2013

336 pages


The emergence of novel fabrication techniques in the last decade
has allowed the fabrication of superconducting nanowires
which are 1-dimensional. These nanowires allowed the exploration
of a superconducting regime previously not accessible. The
nanowires exhibit a variety of behaviors depending on material,
size, type of electrical contacts. These behaviors include macroscopic
quantum tunneling, superconductor-insulator transition,
superconductor-metal transition, anti-proximity effect. The book
introduces superconductivity and highlights the key differences
introduced by the 1-dimensionality of the sample under study,
compared to conventional 3-dimensional bulk samples.
The focus of the book is the transport in 1-dimensional superconductors.
Theories relevant to experiment are described and
emphasis placed on experimental results and their connection
to the theoretical predictions. The experimental results obtained
in the last years are tightly related to the emergence of novel
fabrication techniques which are also described.

From the contents:
Part I: Theoretical Aspects of Superconductivity in
1D Nanowires
• Superconductivity: Basics and Formulation
• 1D Superconductivity: Basic Notions
• Quantum Phase Slips and Quantum Phase Transitions
• Duality
• Proximity Related Phenomena

Part II: Review of Experiments on 1D Superconductivity
• Experimental Technique for Nanowire Fabrication
• Experimental Review of Experiments on
1D Superconducting Nanowires
• Coherent Quantum Phase Slips
• 1D Superconductivity in Related System

About the Author

Fabio Altomare works as Experimental Physicist at D-Wave Systems where he is involved in the practical implementation of an adiabatic quantum processor. He received his Ph.D. from Purdue University in 2004 studying superconductivity in 1-dimensional nanowire. Before his current appointment, he worked as Postdoctoral Research Associate at Duke University, where he studied transport in dilute magnetic semiconductors, and at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder, where he worked on coupled superconducting qubits. His interests include device fabrication, superconductivity in 1-dimension, and superconducting qubits.

Albert M. Chang is Professor at the Department of Physics at Duke University since 2003. He received his Ph.D. from Princeton University and spent a large part of his career at Bell Laboratories. Prior to his current appointment, he was professor at Purdue University. He has been an APS fellow since 2000 for experimental studies of quantum Hall edge states and Luttinger liquids. Current interests include transport in quantum dots and dilute magnetic semiconductors, superconductivity in 1-dimension, scanning hall probe microscopy, fractional charges and statistics in the fractional quantum hall effect, and 1D Wigner-crystal-like states in ballistic quantum point contacts.