
Nanoparticulate Materials: Synthesis, Characterization, and Processing

ISBN: 978-1-118-29142-9

October 2012

464 pages


Explains each step in designing and processing nanoparticulate materials

With detailed coverage of synthesis, characterization, assembly, shaping, and sintering, this book offers a systematic and comprehensive treatment of nanoparticulate materials. The author helps readers make the bridge from conventional particulate materials to nanoparticle-based materials, pointing out the key similarities and differences. Moreover, readers will learn about the many types of new and emerging nanoparticulate materials, including metals, ceramics, and semiconductors.

Chapters are arranged in logical order, enabling readers to follow the typical sequence of tasks needed to design and process nanoparticulate materials. The book begins with an introductory chapter, which includes an overview of processing and key scientific and technical challenges. Next, it covers:

  • Nanoparticle synthesis
  • Nanoparticle characterization
  • Nanoparticle-based superstructures
  • Nanoparticle-based material shaping
  • Sintering
  • Manufacturing and emerging areas

Throughout the book, illustrations and images clarify and simplify core concepts, techniques, and processes. Questions at the end of each chapter make it possible for readers to apply their newfound knowledge by solving key challenges in nanoparticulate materials processing. There are also references at the end of each chapter that serve as a gateway to the primary literature in the field.

Nanoparticulate Materials is ideal for students, offering them a broad overview of the fundamentals in the field. All chapters are self-contained units, enabling instructors to easily adapt this book for coursework. The book also sets forth the latest advances and new frontiers of research for more experienced materials researchers and engineers.

About the Author

KATHY LU, PhD, is a Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Virginia Tech who teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses. She has authored three book chapters and some 100 papers as well as edited four books. Dr. Lu has been honored with several awards, including the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award, Karl Schwartzwalder-PACE Award, and Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award.