
Moving Up to Millions: The Life Calculator Guide to Wealth

ISBN: 978-0-470-13181-7

August 2007

208 pages


Praise for Moving Up to Millions

"A powerful tool for achieving financial success, offering the customized advice available only to the largest pension funds and wealthiest investors. A great buy!"
—Jack Ehnes CEO, California State Teachers' Retirement System (CalSTRS), and Board Chairman of the Council of Institutional Investors

"American families today—from the working poor to all but those at the highest economic levels—are uncertain about their ability to achieve the American Dream. Kathleen Connell provides essential, accessible tools to help working people achieve their goals in the complex maze of our twenty-first-century economy."
—Andy Stern President, Service Employees International Union

"Connell has produced a web-based approach that will help families manage the events of life and the accumulation of lifetime wealth in a constructive and informed manner. The ease and completeness of the Connell Life Calculator algorithm is awesome... widely used, this software will eradicate financial illiteracy and, properly applied, will increase savings and the ability of people to assure their own future."
—Al Osborne, PhD Senior Associate Dean, Associate Professor of Global Economics and Management, founder and Faculty Director, Harold Price Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, UCLA Anderson School of Management

"In this book, Kathleen provides us with sophisticated, tailor-made financial advice. She shows how to grow and maintain wealth and provides a path for comfortable retirement. Good stuff!"
—Larry ElderHost, The Larry Elder Show, KABC Talk Radio

"Moving Up to Millions is a how-to-survive text for all the financial risks of modern America. The web-based applications with which it is linked will allow millions of readers to plan systematically for their financial security."
—Tom Campbell, PhDDean, UC Berkeley Haas School of Business

About the Author

Kathleen Connell is currently President of the Connell Group, an investment advisory firm located in Washington, DC. She also teaches international finance and corporate goverance at the UC Berkeley Haas Graduate School of Business. Dr. Connell has twenty-five years of experience in the field of finance and served as a trustee for CalPERS and CalSTRS for eight years, which together comprise the largest pool of retirement assets in the world. She was recently honored by SmartMoney magazine as one of the thirty smartest people in investing.