
Millimeter Wave Communication Systems

ISBN: 978-1-118-10275-6

April 2011

Wiley-IEEE Press

304 pages


The first book dedicated to complete millimeter wave communication systems, emphasizing modern design and analysis for multi-gigabit millimeter wave devices

Millimeter wave communication systems are poised to play key roles in modern gigabit wireless communication; millimeter wave industrial standards from IEEE, Wireless Gigabit Alliance, European Computer Manufacturers Association, and Wireless High Definition Group are about to emerge. This is the first book to address complete and modern millimeter wave communication systems, covering their key components and explaining the critical issues that influence their performance. The authors, experts in the field of millimeter wave communications, provide powerful techniques for analyzing real millimeter wave systems, with an emphasis on new transceivers, new antennas, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), modulations, beam steering, beam forming, and frequency domain equalization.

Covering the whole system from millimeter wave front-end to digital signal processing, the book reviews up-to-date research results and numerous design methods and analysis for an entire high-speed wireless system. Major topics addressed are:

  • Millimeter wave characteristics
  • Modulations for millimeter wave communications
  • Millimeter wave transceivers
  • Millimeter wave antennas
  • Millimeter wave MIMO
  • Advanced diversity over MIMO channels
  • Beam steering and beam forming
  • Single-carrier frequency domain equalization

The authors emphasize the importance and the requirements of high-gain antennas, low-power transceivers, MIMO, modulation, frequency domain equalization, beam steering, and beam forming for gigabit wireless communications. In addition, they discuss new research and patents in transceivers, antennas, MIMO, channel capacity, equalizers, modems, beam steering, and beam forming. The application of these systems is explained in light of different forthcoming wireless standards for V-band and E-band use. Example designs are presented and the analysis of their performance is detailed.

Linking academic research with commercial applications, this practical resource gives wireless communication system professionals, millimeter wave professionals, and project managers the insights they need to reduce design and production costs when integrating these systems. This book is also written for graduate students who are interested in becoming familiar with the modern communication system concept at millimeter wave range.

About the Author

KAO-CHENG HUANG, PHD, is Vice President at the Dharma Academy in Taiwan and an IEEE Senior Member. Dr. Huang formerly worked as the MSc program leader at the University of Greenwich (UK), and senior research engineer at Sony Technology Centre, Germany. He received his PhD degree from University of Oxford (UK), and is the author of a previous book, Millimetre Wave Antennas for Gigabit Wireless Communications (Wiley). He holds several world and international patents in the area of millimeter wave communications.

ZHAOCHENG WANG, PHD, is Professor at the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, China. He has more than ten years of industry R&D experience in the areas of wireless and millimeter wave communications. He holds eighteen U.S./EU patents, some of which have been adopted by a plurality of international standards.