
Methods for Environmental Trace Analysis

ISBN: 978-0-470-84422-9

March 2003

288 pages

This book covers one of the most neglected areas in environmental trace analysis, namely that of sample preparation. The text discusses all of the necessary steps for analysing a sample for both trace metals and organics, from the initial sampling protocols, through the range of possible sample preparation methods, and leading finally to the analysis and recording of data. Detailed information is provided on the specific methods to follow for preparing a sample for metal and organic analyses.

The topics covered include the following:
* Basic laboratory skills

* Investigative approaches for sample preparation

* Sampling

* Storage of samples

* Sample preparation for inorganic analysis - solids and liquids

* Sample preparation for organic analysis - solids, liquids and volatile compounds

* Pre-concentration approaches

* Instrumental techniques for trace analysis
Key features include:
* Up-to-date information on the latest developments in sample preparation for metals and organics.

* Written in an open learning/distance learning style, it is ideal for use as a self-study guide or as the basis of a taught course.

* The provision of a comprehensive bibliography to guide the reader to more specialized texts and sources.
Methods for Environmental Trace Analysis will be invaluable to students pursuing BSc, MChem, MSc and MRes courses in analytical chemistry, as well as subsidiary courses in life, environmental and food sciences.
About the Author

John R. Dean took his first degree in Chemistry at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, followed by an M.Sc. in Analytical Chemistry and Instrumentation at Loughborough University of Technology, and finally a Ph.D. and D.I.C. in Physical Chemistry at the Imperial College of Science and Technology. He then spent two years as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Food Science Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in Norwich, in conjunction with the Polytechnic of the South West in Plymouth. His work there was focused on the development of directly coupled high performance liquid chromatography and inductively coupled plasma and mass spectrometry methods for trace element speciation in foodstuffs. This was followed by a temporary lectureship in Inorganic Chemistry at Huddersfield Polytechnic. In 1988, he was appointed to a lectureship in Inorganic/Analytical Chemistry at Newcastle Polytechnic. This was followed by promotion to Senior Lecturer, Reader, Principal Lecturer and Associate Dean. He was also awarded a personal chair in 2004. In 2008 he became the Director of The Graduate School at Northumbria University as well as Professor of Analytical and Environmental Sciences in the School of Applied Sciences. In 1998, he was awarded a D.Sc. in Analytical and Environmental Science and was the recipient of the 23rd Society for Analytical Chemistry Silver Medal in 1995. He has published extensively in analytical and environmental science. He is an active member of The Royal Society of Chemistry Analytical Division, having served as a member of the Atomic Spectroscopy Group for 15 years as well as a Past Chairman. He has served on the RSC Analytical Division Council for three terms and is a former Vice-President, as well as a past-Chairman of the North-East Region of the RSC.

  • Detailed experimental information will be provided in an easy to follow style with illustrations
  • Flow-diagrams will augment the experimental information
  • Specific sample preparation approaches necessary to analyse a particular sample type
  • Discussion of selected literature will highlight the most appropriate methods and the likely results obtained
  • As an AnTS title, it will also contain supplementary information such as glossary, bibliograpy