
Measuring and Analyzing Behavior in Organizations: Advances in Measurement and Data Analysis

ISBN: 978-0-787-95301-0

November 2001


624 pages

Researchers and practitioners looking for new or updated methods of measurement and data analysis must often spend a great deal of time tracking down and reading technical articles from a wide variety of journals devoted to these topics. Now, this fifteenth volume in the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology's Organizational Frontiers Series fills the gap in the literature by providing readable, up-to-date discussions of many of the most important areas of measurement and data analysis. In each chapter, the expert authors provide descriptions of the types of problems that can or should be addressed with the approach, a description of the limitations of the method, and an instructive example that illustrates the advantages of the approach and highlights the way it should be used. Most important, Measuring and Analyzing Behavior in Organizations allows substantive researchers to learn about recent developments without having to spend countless hours reading highly technical books and articles.

Contributors to Measuring and Analyzing Behavior in Organizations include:

Paul D. Bliese
Michael Borenstein
David Chan
Richard P. DeShon
Fritz Drasgow
Jeffrey R. Edwards
Barbara B. Ellis
David A. Harrison
Charles Hulin
Charles E. Lance
Karen Locke
Michael A. McDaniel
Roger E. Millsap
Andrew G. Miner
Julie B. Olson-Buchanan
Nambury S. Raju
Neal Schmitt
Steven Paul Reise
Hannah R. Rothstein
Steven T. Seitz
Robert J. Vandenberg
Niels G. Waller
Michael J. Zickar

About the Author
Fritz Drasgow is a professor of psychology and director of theCenter for Human Resources Management at the University ofIllinois. He is also the current chair of Scientific Affairs at theSociety for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

Neal Schmitt is University Distinguished Professor of Psychologyand Management and chair of the psychology department at MichiganState University. He is the editor of SIOP's OrganizationalFrontiers series.