
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: A Contemporary Approach, 10th Edition

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Mathematics for Elementary Teachers, 10th Edition establishes a solid math foundation for future teachers. Thoroughly revised with a clean, engaging design, the new 10th Edition of Musser, Peterson, and Burgers best-selling textbook focuses on one primary goal: helping students develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts so they can teach with knowledge and confidence. The components in this complete learning program--from the textbook, to the e-Manipulative activities, to the Childrens Videos, to the online problem-solving tools, resource-rich website and Enhanced WileyPLUS--work in harmony to help achieve this goal. WileyPLUS sold separately from text. 
About the Author

Gary L. Musser is Professor Emeritus from Oregon State University. He earned both his B.S. in Mathematics Education in 1961 and his M.S. in Mathematics in 1963 at the University of Michigan and his Ph.D. in Mathematics (Radical Theory) in 1970 at the University of Miami in Florida. He taught at the junior and senior high, junior college and university levels for more than 30 years. He spent his final 24 years teaching prospective teachers in the Department of Mathematics at Oregon State University. While at OSU, Dr. Musser developed the mathematics component of the elementary teacher program. Soon after Professor William F. Burger joined the OSU Department of Mathematics in a similar capacity, the two of them began to write the first edition of this book. Professor Burger passed away during the preparation of the second edition, and Professor Blake E. Peterson was hired at OSU as his replacement. Professor Peterson joined Professor Musser as a coauthor beginning with the fifth edition.
Professor Musser has published 40 papers in many journals, including the Pacific Journal of Mathematics, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, The Mathematics Association of America Monthly, the NCTM’s The Mathematics Teacher, the NCTM’s The Arithmetic Teacher, School Science and Mathematics, The Oregon Mathematics Teacher, and The Computing Teacher. In addition, he is a coauthor of two other college mathematics books: College GeometryA Problem-Solving Approach with Applications (2008) and A Mathematical View of Our World (2007). He also coauthored the K-8 series Mathematics in Action. He has given more than 65 invited lectures/ workshops at a variety of conferences, including NCTM and MAA conferences, and was awarded 15 federal, state, and local grants to improve the teaching of mathematics.
While Professor Musser was at OSU, he was awarded the university’s prestigious College of Science Carter Award for Teaching. He is currently living in sunny Las Vegas, were he continues to write, ponder the mysteries of the stock market, enjoy living with his wife and his faithful yellow lab, Zoey.

Blake E. Peterson is currently a Professor in the Department of Mathematics Education at Brigham Young University. He was born and raised in Logan, Utah, where he graduated from Logan High School. Before completing his BA in secondary mathematics education at Utah State University, he spent two years in Japan as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. After graduation, he took his new wife, Shauna, to southern California, where he taught and coached at Chino High School for two years. In 1988, he began graduate school at Washington State University, where he later completed a M.S. and Ph.D. in pure mathematics.
After completing his Ph.D., Dr. Peterson was hired as a mathematics educator in the Department of Mathematics at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon, where he taught for three years. It was at OSU where he met Gary Musser. He has since moved his wife and four children to Provo, Utah, to assume his position at Brigham Young University where he is currently a full professor.
Dr. Peterson has published papers in Rocky Mountain Mathematics Journal, The American Mathematical Monthly,  The Mathematical Gazette, Mathematics Magazine, The New England Mathematics Journal, School Science and Mathematics, The Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, and The Journal for Research in Mathematics as well as chapters in several books. He has also published in NCTM’s Mathematics Teacher, and Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School. His research interests are teacher education in Japan and productive use of student mathematical thinking during instruction, which is the basis of an NSF grant that he and 3 of his colleagues were recently awarded. In addition to teaching, research, and writing, Dr. Peterson has done consulting for the College Board, founded the Utah Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, and has been the chair of the editorial panel for the Mathematics Teacher.
Aside from his academic interests, Dr. Peterson enjoys spending time with his family, fulfilling his church responsibilities, playing basketball, mountain biking, water skiing, and working in the yard.

New to Edition
  • Common Core Standards, adopted in 45 states, have been added to this edition with grade levels in which they appear.  The Common Core Standards  provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers know what they need to do to help them; NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) Standards are also referenced in margins
  • QR CODES THROUGHOUT THE BOOK link students to “A Note to Our Students”  that shows students how to maximize their use of the book, a WALK-THROUGH at the start of each chapter that gives students a  preview & roadmap, and codes throughout each chapter link students to the author-created Children’s Videos
  • Enhanced WileyPLUS that includes the new author-created Children’s Videos, updated student homework problems and new questions that assess e-Manipulative content and video content.
  • Mathematical Tasks added to every chapter to guide class discussion and introduce new topics in class
  • Key Concepts from the Common Core State standards for Mathematics, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’, Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, and Curriculum Focal Points have been compiled on the third page of every chapter.
  • Children’s Videos: a suite of Children’s Videos (4-5 per chapter). These video are linked to the text content via QR codes, which appear in the margins. The videos are interviews with students at different grade levels showing what problem-solving strategies they use for different math topics.
  • Problem-Solving Emphasis: Features the largest collection of problems (over 3,000!), work examples, and problem-solving strategies in any text of its kind.
  • Integrated Technology: Technology and content are integrated throughout the text in a meaningful way. The technology includes WileyPLUS, activities from the expanded e-Manipulative activities, spreadsheet activities, Geometer’s Sketchpad activities, and calculator activities using a graphing calculator
  • Appropriate Topical Sequence: Moves from the concrete to the pictorial to the abstract, reflecting the way math is generally taught in elementary schools.
  • Common Core Standards and NCTM Standards: Bothare referenced throughout in the margin and reviewed at the beginning of each chapter, giving future teachers a comprehensive understanding of the standards they will be responsible for and the skills that their students will be tested on.