
ManagingNonprofits.org: Dynamic Management for the Digital Age

ISBN: 978-0-471-39527-0

November 2001

304 pages

Praise for ManagingNonprofits.org

"Hecht and Ramsey have hit a home run. ManagingNonprofits.org not only applies lessons learned from the dot.com world’s use of technology and the Internet to the nonprofit sector but helps nonprofit managers to adapt the best new management and leadership practices to their efforts. It is an invaluable tool for helping nonprofits reshape their old ways of doing business."
–Milton J. Little Jr.
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
National Urban League

"Ben Hecht and Rey Ramsey pull no punches in stating forcefully why non-profits have to modernize their approaches to management in the digital age. Lessons abound as to why this is so, and the authors’ new book presents them most effectively."
–Lawrence M. Small
Former President and Chief Operating Officer
Fannie Mae

"This book is the only one on the market specifically designed to help nonprofit managers understand and harness the power of technology and the Internet to strengthen the organization and better serve customers. Start building your Digital Culture today by buying this book and giving it to your employees, your board, your funders."
–Paul Shoemaker
Executive Director
Social Venture Partners

"This book is the road map to the 21st century that nonprofits so desperately need–and have been waiting for. Any organization that aspires to a role in our changing economy will find in these pages the tools they need to embrace and leverage such change for positive growth. Ben Hecht and Rey Ramsey have combined vision along with practical experience to produce a book that will not only help organizations survive and get to scale, but will ultimately save lives through stronger communities."
–Bill Shore
Founder and Executive Director
Share Our Strength

"The power of technology to help solve societal problems is awesome. But first, technology and the right applications must get into the culture and hands of our most committed and knowledgeable–the not-for-profit sector and its legions of staff and volunteers. This exciting book shows the way."
–Angela Glover Blackwell
Founder and President

About the Author
BEN HECHT, JD, CPA, is an experienced nonprofit executive, author,and lecturer. In 2000, he and Rey Ramsey founded One EconomyCorporation, a national nonprofit dedicated to maximizing the powerof technology to expand opportunities for low-income people toimprove their standard of living. He currently serves as OneEconomy's President and Chief Operating Officer.
REY RAMSEY, JD, is a seasoned executive and social entrepreneur. Hecurrently serves as Chief Executive Officer and Board Chair of OneEconomy. From 1996 to 2000, the authors worked together applyingprinciples of dynamic management at The Enterprise Foundation andits network of 1,500 community-based organizations nationwide.