
Managing the Global Workforce

ISBN: 978-1-405-10732-7

February 2010


230 pages

Human resource management (HRM) is the strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization's employees. As the need for effective and top staff rises, Managing the Global Workforce provides the most up to date and topical information on accessing human resource management. Written by Paula Caligiuri, an author recognized as one of the most prolific authors in the field of international business for her work in global careers, this book covers the full range of strategic, comparative, and cross-cultural issues affecting the way a workforce is managed globally.
About the Author
Paula Caligiuri, Professor of Human Resource Management, School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University, USA

As a leading expert in strategic human resource management with a focus on international management, global leadership development, and international assignee management, Paula has been recognized as one of the most prolific authors in the field of international business for her work in global careers and global leadership development and has lectured in numerous universities in the United States, Asia, and Europe.  Paula is also a popular blogger on these topics (www.PaulaCaligiuri.com).

Her publishing successes includes a co-authored a book with Steven Poelmans, entitled Harmonizing Work, Family, and Personal Life (Cambridge Press, 2008) and Get a Life, Not a Job (FT Press, 2010), several articles in the International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of World Business, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, and International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 

Jaime Bonache, Professor of Human Resources, ESADE Business School, Spain.

Before joining ESADE, Jaime was Professor of Human Resources at Cranfield School of Management (England) and Carlos III University of Madrid (Spain). In 2007 he attained his habilitation as Professor of Organization Studies, the highest academic qualification a person can achieve in Spain. Jaime holds an M.A. in Philosophy from Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada), and a Ph.D. in Economics and Business Administration from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain).

Jaime has written/edited four books, two of them (Dirección Estratégica de Personas and Dirección de Personas, with Angel Cabrera) have been best-sellers in a number of Spanish-speaking countries. He has been guest editor of three special issues on trends in international human resources and published a large number of articles in leading journals, includingOrganization Studies, Human Resource Management Journal, The International Journal of HRM, Journal of Business Research, and HRM Review. Jaime is a frequent speaker at academic and professional conferences and is widely recognized as one of Europe's leading authorities on international human resource management.

David Lepak, Professor of Human Resource Management, and Chairperson of the Human Resource Management, School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University, USA 

David received his PhD in management from the Pennsylvania State University and is a leading scholar in the strategic management of human resources and teaches and conducts research on a variety of human resource topics with dual interests in strategic human resource management and international human resource management.  He is a frequent presenter to many domestic and international audiences. 

David has co-authored a comprehensive textbook with Mary Gowan, entitled Human Resource Management (Prentice Hall, 2008). His research has appeared in a variety of outlets such as: Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management, Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management, Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Human Resource, Management, Human Resource Management Review, among others.


  • new up-to-date coverage of stages of global development for organizations
  • presents 'three ways to organize the HR Function' world-wide
  • sets out cross-border differences in employment laws
  • includes 'the strategic global assignment process' - self-assessment of global competence
  • concludes by mapping future developments in field