
Managing Fraud Risk: A Practical Guide for Directors and Managers

ISBN: 978-1-119-96042-3

November 2012

352 pages


Fraud can severely damage an organisation’s profitability and reputation.  The risks have never been higher than they are in today’s turbulent economic times, yet many organisations continue to take a reactive approach, thinking about fraud only once it has occurred.  As a result they are forced to deal with the consequences, often having to act quickly and under conditions of extreme stress, leading to poor outcomes. 

In Managing Fraud Risk: A Practical Guide for Directors and Managers Steve Giles lays out the modern, strategic approach to the problem. He explains corporate fraud theory (what it is, who commits it and why) and examines the results primarily from the business perspective of identifying the most cost-effective methods available to manage the risks.  The book provides a menu of anti-fraud techniques and day to day processes designed to prevent, detect and investigate fraud, thus enabling the reader to create a cost-effective anti-fraud framework tailored to the specific needs and circumstances of their own organisation. 

Key features of the book include: 

  • A clear, logical and accessible structure: each chapter covers an important aspect of fraud and concludes with five key learning points for directors and managers.
  • Numerous illustrative examples from both headline cases and the author’s own extensive experience of fraud investigations.
  • Interviews with directors and managers from both the public and private sectors to give a practical business perspective on the issues discussed.
  • A risk management framework that places fraud in its proper context of corporate governance, risk and business ethics.
  • Identification and analysis of the key anti-fraud preventative and detective controls that have been shown to work best in practice.
  • Strategic guidance and advice on tailoring an effective programme of anti-fraud measures to meet business requirements.
  • The Fraud Awareness Quiz – why not take the Quiz and find out how much you really know about fraud and the risks associated with it?

Managing Fraud Risk: A Practical Guide for Directors and Managers provides the reader with all the tools necessary to create and maintain an effective anti-fraud framework within their own particular organisation.

About the Author

Steve Giles is a chartered accountant with over 20 years experience of fighting fraud.  This began with his involvement in the Polly Peck investigation in the early 1990s and continued with a variety of forensic accounting assignments whilst still at Deloitte.  Now a consultant, Steve has worked on many fraud investigation cases in the UK, Continental Europe and the US, whilst also advising his clients on the most effective measures that they can take to prevent, deter and detect fraud in their organisations.  Today he lectures extensively around the world on fraud and financial crime matters generally and also on the broader subjects of corporate governance, risk management, auditing and business ethics. He is an Associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.