
Managing Commodity Risk: Using Commodity Futures and Options

ISBN: 978-0-471-86625-1

December 2000

240 pages

Most businesses will face commodity risk in some form. It is how the company manages this risk that will help to determine the success of the firm. In this highly practical book, John J. Stephens explains in a clear concise manner the best techniques for managing such risks. Aimed at the ordinary businessperson, this book is a practical primer for those who wish to manage and minimise the risk to their industry, through instruments such as commodity futures, without wishing to have the technical knowledge of professional financiers.
This book provides the ideal starting point for the good manager not only to minimise commodity risk but to gain benefit also.
About the Author
JOHN J STEPHENS has considerable practical experience of commodities trading and runs a training company specialising in the futures and futures options markets. For 10 years he was CEO of a management consultancy firm with many large international clients, whilst from 1992 onwards he worked in the financial services sector for first SANLAM and later ABSA Bank, specialising in market and financial product development. He is also an advocate of the Supreme Court of South Africa.