
Journal of Community Psychology

Edited By:Michael B. Blank

Online ISSN: 1520-6629


The Journal of Community Psychology (JCOP) is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to research, evaluation, assessment, and intervention. Although review articles that deal with human behavior in community settings are occasionally accepted, the journal’s primary emphasis is on empirical work that is based in or informs studies to understand community factors that influence, positively and negatively, human development, interaction, and functioning. Articles of interest include descriptions and evaluations of service programs and projects; studies of youth, parenting, and family development; methodological studies for the identification and systematic alteration of risks; and protective factors for emotional and behavioral disorders and for positive development. Journal of Community Psychology (JCOP) also publishes the results of projects that inform processes relevant to the design of community-based interventions including strategies for gaining entry, engaging a community in participatory action research, and creating sustainable interventions that remain after project development and empirical work are completed.