
Infochemistry: Information Processing at the Nanoscale

ISBN: 978-1-118-31619-1

April 2012

416 pages

Infochemistry, the science at the interface between chemistry and the information sciences, follows the potential use of molecular switches in advanced information processing and storage. Where traditional transistors are reaching their limits in miniaturization due to interconnectivity and material issues, molecular information processing could be the key to satisfying our ongoing need for increasing computational power.

This book describes the processes, systems and devices employed in infochemistry, and characterizes chemical systems according to their role as potential elements in information technology. It includes:

  • Theory of Information
  • Limitations of traditional devices
  • Low-Dimensional Metals and Semiconductors
  • Carbon and Carbon-Rich Nanostructures
  • Photocurrent switching and related phenomena
  • Supramolecular assembly
  • Molecular scale electronics, logic gates and computing systems
  • Bioinspired and biomimetic logic devices

Presenting a unique combination of chemistry and information technology, Infochemistry: Information Processing at the Nanoscale defines this new field of science, and its future possibilities for advanced information processing.

About the Author
Konrad Szacilowski is Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at AGH University of Science and Technology, and Associate Professor in Chemistry at Jagiellonian University, Poland. His research interests are focused mainly on information processing at the molecular level, surface engineering of nanocrystalline materials, photoelectrochemistry of wide band gap semiconductors, and molecular nanoelectronics.