
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: Theory and Practice (Wiley Classics Library)

ISBN: 978-0-470-25319-9

February 2009

1592 pages

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The Wiley Classics Library consists of selected books that have become recognized classics in their respective fields. With these new unabridged and inexpensive editions, Wiley hopes to extend the life of these important works by making them available to future generations of mathematicians and scientists.

Currently available in the Series:

  • T. W. AndersonThe Statistical Analysis of Time Series

  • T. S. Arthanari &Yadolah DodgeMathematical Programming in Statistics

  • Emil ArtinGeometric Algebra

  • Norman T. J. BaileyThe Elements of Stochastic Processeswith Applications to the Natural Sciences

  • Robert G. BartleThe Elements of Integration and Lebesgue Measure

  • George E. P. Box &Norman R. DraperEvolutionary Operation: A Statistical Method for Process Improvement

  • George E. P. Box &George C. TiaoBayesian Inference in Statistical Analysis

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  • R. W. CarterSimple Groups of Lie Type

  • William G. Cochran &Gertrude M. CoxExperimental Designs, Second Edition

  • Richard CourantDifferential and Integral Calculus, Volume I

  • Richard CourantDifferential and Integral Calculus, Volume II

  • Richard Courant &D. HilbertMethods of Mathematical Physics, Volume I

  • Richard Courant &D. HilbertMethods of Mathematical Physics, Volume II

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  • Harold S. M. CoxeterIntroduction to Geometry, Second Edition

  • Charles W. Curtis &Irving ReinerRepresentation Theory of Finite Groups andAssociative Algebras

  • Charles W. Curtis &Irving ReinerMethods of Representation Theory with Applications to Finite Groups and Orders, Volume I

  • Charles W. Curtis &Irving ReinerMethods of Representation Theory with Applications to Finite Groups and Orders, Volume II

  • Cuthbert Daniel & Fred S. WoodFitting Equations to Data: Computer Analysis of Multifactor Data, Second Edition

  • Bruno de FinettiTheory of Probability, Volume I

  • Bruno de FinettiTheory of Probability, Volume 2

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  • Harold F. Dodge &Harry G. RomigSampling Inspection Tables: Single andDouble Sampling, Second Edition

  • J. L. DoobStochastic Processes

About the Author
DENNIS J. PAUSTENBACH, PhD, has held numerous leadership positions at two major consulting firms and was the founder of ChemRisk, the largest risk assessment consulting firm in the United States during the 1990s. He previously edited the popular The Risk Assessment of Human and Environmental Health Hazards: A Textbook of Case Studies and has worked on many high-profile environmental projects, including Times Beach, Love Canal, the New Jersey Meadowlands, and the Erin Brockovich case.