
Homogeneous Catalysis with Metal Complexes: Kinetic Aspects and Mechanisms

ISBN: 978-0-470-66699-9

April 2012

830 pages

Homogeneous catalysis by soluble metal complexes has gained considerable attention due to its unique applications and features such as high activity and selectivity. Catalysis of this type has demonstrated impressive achievements in synthetic organic chemistry and commercial chemical technology.

Homogeneous Catalysis with Metal Complexes: Kinetic Aspects and Mechanisms presents a comprehensive summary of the results obtained over the last sixty years in the field of the kinetics and mechanisms of organic and inorganic reactions catalyzed with metal complexes.

Topics covered include:

  • Specific features of catalytic reaction kinetics in the presence of various mono- and polynuclear metal complexes and nanoclusters
  • Multi-route mechanisms and the methods of their identification, as well as approaches to the kinetics of polyfunctional catalytic systems
  • Principles and features of the dynamic behavior of nonlinear kinetic models
  • The potential, achievements, and limitations of applying the kinetic approach to the identification of complex reaction mechanisms
  • The development of a rational strategy for designing kinetic models
  • The kinetic models and mechanisms of many homogeneous catalytic processes employed in synthetic and commercial chemistry

Written for specialists in the field of kinetics and catalysis, this book is also relevant for post-graduates engaged in the study

About the Author

Professor Oleg Temkin is a well known specialist in the field of Chemical Kinetics, Catalysis with Metal Complexes, Alkynes Chemistry and Mathematical Chemistry. He is a professor of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies.
Professor Temkin is a co-author of 3 monographs and 2 Chapters in monographs, as well as more than 360 scientific publications including reviews, in such journals as J. Mol. Catal., Organometallics, J. Phys. Chem., J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun., Inorg. Chim. Acta,? Langmuir, J. Chem.Ed., React. Kinet. Catal. Lett., J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci.,? Mathem.Chem., J. Comput. Chem., J. Mol. Structure(Theochem) as well as in Russian Journals.